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A Thing Called Love
(Jerry Reed)

A Thing Called Love foi escrita por Jerry Reed e gravada pela primeira vez por Jimmy Dean (RCA 47-9454) em 1968. A gravação de Dean chegou à 21ª posição da tabela de música country da Billboard. No ano seguinte, Reed gravou a sua própria versão, também para a RCA Records (RCA 74-0242). Johnny Cash pegou em A Thing Called Love (Columbia 45534) e levou-a até à 2ª posição da tabela de música country em 1972.

Elvis gravou A Thing Called Love em 19 de maio de 1971, nos estúdios da RCA em Nashville.

Jerry Reed - 1968

Elvis - Original

Elvis - Take Alternativo

Elvis - Takes 4 - 7

Johnny Cash - 1972


Six foot six stood on the ground, weighted 235 pounds
But I saw that giant of a man brought down to his knees by love
He was the kind of man who would gamble on love
Look you in the eye and never back up
But I saw him crying like a little whipped pup because of love

1. Can't see it with your eyes, hold it in your hands
Like the winds that covers our land
Strong enough to rule the heart of any man, this thing called love
It can lift you up, it can put you down
Take your world and turn it all around
Ever since time nothing's ever been found stronger than love

Men like me they struggle and doubt
Trouble their minds day in and day out
Too busy with livin' to worry about a thing called love
And then I see a mother's tenderness
As she holds her young close to her breast
Then I think, "My God, this world was blessed with the thing called love"

1. (repete)

Onde foi lançada:
Primeiro lançada no álbum He Touched Me »
- He Touched Me (1972) »
- From Elvis With Love (1978) »
- Amazing Grace - His Greatest Sacred Performances (1994)
- Gospel Favourites (1997)
- Peace In The Valley (2000)
- Today, Tomorrow And Forever (2002) 
- I Sing All Kinds (2007) - FTD »
- He Touched Me (2011) - FTD »

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