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Poster of the fair, at the entrance of Pavillion 4. / Members of Elvis 100%'s Board of Directors, in our stand (Carlos Santos, Sandra Santos and Célia Carvalho - César Santos also in the photo)

It was with great joy that Elvis 100% acepted the invitation that Lisbon International Fair extended to us to be present during the second edition of this fair dedicated to Vintage. A bit of everything happened in this fair, having a total of around 80 stands, all of them dedicated to things of "back in the day". Products of all kinds and shapes, related to clothing, decoration, maqueup, acessories, furniture, collectioning, vehicles of 2, 3 and 4 wheels, a chance of making a hairdo and maqueup 50's style, having dancing lessons through the aisles of the fair - quite fun! - with the Swing Station, having a tattoo done, buying any souvenir to your pleasing, enjoy the gastronomy with flavours of other time and, of course, listen to lots and lots of music, with the performances by Motorcycle Rockers, Discovers, Stonebones & Bad Spaguetti and, of course, the Elvis tribute artist, António Carlos Coimbra! 53,000 visitors strolled through the fair and had the chance of knowing about us, exchaging views, taking information with them (we have handed out Elvis stickers and on our TV channel, leaflets and business cards) and some even were fortunate enough to take one of the around 50 Elvis T-shirts we also offered on the day António Carlos Coimbra performed. We reencountered old friends, made new ones and established contacts. Everything was very, very positive! Our appreciation goes to FIL and all the people involved in this project that took around 3 months to prepare, in order for everything to run smoothly and successfuly. You know who you are. God bless you! We leave you here with some photos taken during this fair, of our stand and of our Portuguese Elvis performances.

Note: Photos with better quality (and many, many more!) in our albums on Elvis 100% Facebook page. See the direct links, below.

Legends: Lighted and spinning exhibitor with Elvis memorabilia, which caught quite an attention.

Legends: Partners who have supported us in this initiative and others: Vespa Clube Torres Vedras, Moto Clube Torres Vedras, Jornal Badaladas, Rádio Oeste, Produções Atlântico and Motoclasse.

Legends: We had a TV set showing Elvis non stop (movies, shows, documentaries, etc), with the goal of promoting our TV channel. / We have also exhibited the red and white version of a restored replic of an Honda C110 that Elvis rode in Viva Las Vegas.

Legends: The restoration of that Honda C110 was done by Manuel Custódio, from Motoclasse. / Explaining poster of Elvis' connection to Honda C110, next to the exhibited motorcycle.

Legends: Publicity to the Elvis tribute artist, his performances in our stand and also his excellent CD, "The Songs Elvis Didn't Sing". Many fans had the chance to buy this CD and take it home with an autograph.

Legends: Visit of fans to our stand, some old ones and new ones (who knows?!) / Aida Santos with Célia Carvalho and Sofia with Elvis, daughter of one of the elements of Stonebones & Bad Spaguetti band.

Legends: The great fan, Marco António, of Lucky Duckies, who also passed by our stand, with his wife and also a member of that band, Cláudia Faria. In the photo, with Célia Carvalho.

Legends: The fan who came from Tábua, Victor Rodrigues, accompanied by Sandra Santos, Carlos Santos, César Santos, his daughter, Verónica Rodrigues and Célia Carvalho. / The fan from Lisbon, Judite Santos, with Elvis.

Legends: First afternoon performance by António Carlos Coimbra, directly from Elvis 100% stand.

Legends: At the end of the performance, with the fan Mary Lu, from the Algarve. / With Com Célia Carvalho.

Legends: With the fan, Sofia Pinto. / With fans Carlos Sales, Mary Lu and Ângela Sales.

Legends: Fantastic second afternoon performance.

Legends: All fair present to attend to António Carlos Coimbra singing. It was a success!

Legends: António Carlos with the fan Jorge Custódio and his wife, Judite Henriques. / With the fan Maria Helena Nunes.

Legends: The fan Etelvina Brázia, surrendered by the artist's talent.
Note: Many more photos of António with many more fans are in the albums that are on Elvis 100%'s Facebook page (see direct links below).

Legends: Third and last afternoon performance by António Carlos Coimbra. Great work!

Legends: Some of the artist's jewelry.

Legends: With fans, after the last performance. / With the fanHumberto Ladeira.

Our apologies for not every fan having being photographed! But, as you know, hell broke loose!

Album with Photos on Elvis 100% Facebook - "O Elvis 100% no Vintage Festival" (Elvis 100% at Vintage Festival)
Album with photos on Elvis 100% Facebook - "Atuações de António Carlos Coimbra no Vintage Festival" (Performances by António Carlos Coimbra at Vintage Festival)


              Resumé on the Festival - 07 - 10/10/2015                    1st Performance by António Carlos Coimbra - 11/10/2015
                                 (or on Facebook)                                                                                  (or on Facebook)

2nd Performance by António Carlos Coimbra                         3rd Performance by António Carlos Coimbra      
(or on Facebook)                                                                    (or on Facebook)              


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