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This year this fan club celebrates its 18th year of existence, therefore arriving to its adulthood. It would be unthinkable to not mark the date with an initiative and a party to, once again, reunite the fans around Elvis' memory. As everything went so well with our previous event, which took place at Quinta da Salmanha, we have decided to repeat the venue, to celebrate Elvis Presley's musical legacy and reacquaint with old friends. It was a shame that the weather conditions were not so good, but noone was missing and the warmth felt inside that sallon was felt by everyone!


We saw some of the usual faces in our events and, particulary in this time, with several newcomers who showed up for the first time and who congratulated us at the end by everything that they experienced in there, regretting - of course! - not having been present in previous events. And this is also something that keeps on happening: after being present and enjoying it so much, they regret not having been present in previous gatherings.


After the appetizers and the lunch were served, the afternoon performances began and they were the main reason of our gathering on that day. The performances were started with our dear friend Carlos Silva Sales, who sang three themes: A Little Bit of Green, Angel (that he dedicated to his wife, Ângela) and Let It Be Me (that he dedicated to the organizers of the event, Célia Carvalho and Jorge Custódio). Then we screened on the giant LEDs on stage the movie with António Carlos Coimbra's performances that have granted him the winning of the prize of European Champion, in an international competition that took place in Bristol, England, in February this year, followed by his brilliant performance, wearing the same clothes he wore on the foreign competition. We was greatly applauded and welcomed, as usual.


Then Vinyl Gang once again infected the whole sallon with the energy of their performance and many couples (and single persons!), got up to dance, completely exhilarated. Without any warning, they kept on playing... and here comes António Carlos Coimbra, all dressed in black leather, in a tribute to the recent 50th Anniversary of Elvis' "Comeback Special", with a replica of the giant red lettering on the big screen saying ELVIS. It was a very special moment! And we can say that lots of people went crazy about it.


Throughout the afternoon we kept on raffling our Elvis material. This time we have raffled two beautiful Elvis' boxes, made by Cláudia Morelli (one for members of the fan club - which ended up with Olga Susana Gabriel - and another for the general public, but that by chance ended up in the hands of another member, this time, Carlos Silva Sales!), a book on Elvis (that went to member Virgínia Rebelo), a beautiful towel (that found its way to member Ana Paula Ferreira) and a CD by António Carlos Coimbra, that went to Alda Moreira (mother in law of an Elvis fan, Paulo Pereira, who gave him the CD! It went to very good hands). António Carlos Coimbra also took an Elvis item that he wanted to raffle just among the ladies in the room that were also members of the fan club... and this one ended up with Mary Lu Ribeiro!


At the end there was time to thank the people that made this event possible: Quinta da Salmanha, the multimedia technical team that have supported us on this intiative, TJ Multimédia (composed by Dinis Parreira, Cristina Parreira, Tiago Parreira and Daniela Nunes), the musicians that belong to Vinyl Gang (Pedro Teixeira, André da Cunha and Carlos Rocha), our friend Carlos Silva Sales and, of course, the Elvis tribute artist (and reason of great pride to all of us), António Carlos Coimbra, who will represent Europe in the world championship of the best Elvis tribute artists in Memphis, in August 2019. A special thank you also goes to the fan and member Ana Domingues, who had the beautiful idea of bringing a little note book, that circulated among all the tables, where everybody left their special message of good energy and good luck wishes to António Carlos Coimbra, for his participation in the Images of King competition, in Memphis.


And also thank you so much to our photographers, without whom we wouldn't have any of the exhibited photos in here (and on Facebook) to share with you, namely: Fátima Silva Santos, Mary Lu Ribeiro and Vítor Correia.


It was a lovely party, worthy of a King, as some of the photos that we share here can prove it. But we advise you to check the albums on our Facebook page (see links below), where hundreds of photos that capture these moments that we have in our memory and hearts are. God bless all of you who came on this day, so that, together, we could celebrate the 18th birthday of our fan club!


Célia Carvalho and Encarnação Lopes, checking everybody in, with Ana Domingues.
The arrival of some fans: Fernando Simões and Cláudia Morelli.

After the check-in, all the guests went to the lounge, next to the sallon, where the appetizers were served.
Here we see the right size of the entrance to the sallon and the friends Fátima Silva Santos, Alice Godinho and Otília Alves.

Jorge Madureira and his wife, Adelaide Madureira, with António Carlos Coimbra, in the lounge.
Emília Faustino and Ana Paula Ferreira, joyfully playing around.

Victor Rodrigues, Carla Costa and Verónica Rodrigues, in the lounge. Guests, enjoying the appetizers.

Vítor Dinis, Fernando Pereira and Miguel Madureira, all fans from O'Porto.
The fan Raúl Pereira, together with his wife, Isabel Pereira, and António Carlos Coimbra.

The fan João Paulo Mendes and his wife, Sílvia Mendes. Welcoming poster, at the entrance of the sallon, welcoming everybody.
Perspective of the stage, from one of the first tables.

The sallon, prepared to receive more than 150 guests.

One of the tab les, giveaways and table identifier.

Mary Lu Ribeiro, getting ready for lunch, as well as Emília Faustino and Ana Paula Ferreira.

At the table: António Carlos Coimbra and his wife, Judite Henriques. Ângela Sales and Margarida Rodrigues.

Célia Carvalho and Encarnação Lopes. Fernando Grencho and João Mourinha.

Carlos Silva Sales' performance.

António Carlos Coimbra's solo performance.

He surprised Célia Carvalho and Jorge Custódio, dedicating the song And I Love You So to them and inviting them to dance.

The energetic performance by Vinyl Gang, that got everybody dancing, once again.

Joint performance of Vinyl Gang with António Carlos Coimbra, that got everybody crazy!

A the very end, we sang happy birthday to Elvis 100% and we blew out the 18 years candles.

Vinyl Gang: André da Cunha (together with fan Jorge Madureira), Pedro Teixeira and Carlos Rocha.
Reacquaintance with old friends: Miguel Madureira, Fernando Pereira, Célia Carvalho and Paulo Pereira.

Jorge Madureira and Adelaide Madureira, with Elvis and Célia Carvalho and Jorge Custódio.

It was a beautiful celebration and another lovely tribute to Elvis Presley.


"Wonderful afternoon. Thank you so much for such a beautiful party." Amália Zacarias Silva.

"Another wonderful meeting of fans. Congratulations to the organizers, you are TOP. Congrats to the artists, who are exceptional and congrats to the attendants, for the passion and enthusiasm dedicated to this meeting. Congrats also for the chosing of the venue, which is the best." João Mourinha.

"Every word is not enough to thank the excellent day that Célia and Jorge provided us with, illustrious founders of the Elvis 100% fan club. With 18 years of existance , this group of friends hightlights itself by its originality: environments, sceneries, merchandising and shows with extreme quality. To meet them is a privilege and enjoy their company is the best thing there is. This was an event that shall never be forgotten. The photos speak for themselves. I speak for myself and the countless Elvis fans throughout Portugal and the World! As for António Carlos Coimbra, we was one of the best performers I had the privilege to meet in person. Our Thank You so Much... and See You Soon!" Jorge Madureira.

"It was a wonderful afternoon!!! António Carlos sang better than ever. He presented a stellar performance. I thank from the bottom of my heart, Célia and Jorge, for these six years of lots of work and many headaches, in order to provide us with these afternoons during these wonderful six years. Everything is always so incredibly organized, but we owe it all to this fantastic couple. Thank you, my friends, for these lovely six years. I loved it, loved it, LOVED IT!!! Love." Olga Susana Gabriel.

"Everything was TOP and... I also thank you for everything, since everything was so good that I don't have words to describe what I felt and still do. All I can say is thank you so much everybody, for everything... love." Juca Coimbra.

"António Carlos Coimbra is without any doubt Elvis' voice resurrected! I was very moved. He is indeed very good and he will win the Trophy in Memphis." Maria Fernanda Bacelar.

"A wonderful day and an excellent job from you. I thank God, Elvis and Elvis 100% (Célia and Jorge). Awsome!" Carlos Major.

"A very well spent day with our friends at the 18th birthday party of Elvis 100%, in Figueira da Foz." Elias Mendes.

"Getting up on that stage and sing, sing, sing... what an indescribably emotion. I felt so, so, so SO ALIVE!! All I can say is thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" Carlos Silva Sales.

"Thank you so much, Célinha, for all your work and the beautiful afternoon that you have provided us on Elvis Presley's name. Just like he said, 'The eyes tell you a lot more than words.' Love to you and Jorge." Emília Faustino.

"A Springtime day on a grey April... there we went to the even, rain, tears, maybe, friendship, joy and lots of entertainment... I arrived, I will never forget, I slipped and almost fell... it was good to reacquaint with the ones I care about, to feel what I've felt in everything that I heard, everything that I witnessed that involved everybody's committment... this will always show work and art when the talent makes us all shiver, a special and short lived moment of great inspiration when we remember each song, my applause and our admiration!" Victor Rodrigues.


"Of all the events, to me, this was without any doubt, the best of them, be it regarding the decoration of the room, or regarding the performances, which were great, a lot better and different, by our Elvis, that I really loved, as well as the screen that kept on entertaining us with something for our pleased eyes. Vinyl Gang's performance as great and they have already captured us with their style. These meetings are also great for us to meet new Elvis fans, which is very healthy. We were very well welcomed by our host and friend, Célia, and her husband, Jorge, who do everything they can for our fan club, even with great sacrifice on their daily lives, in order for these events to keep on happening and do not drop our memories of our idol, Elvis Presley. It is with great gratitude and joy that myself and my husband belong to Elvis 100% fan club since its very beginning. I really enjoyed the room's decoration, thank you, Célia and Jorge, for your committment and love for us all in each and every event. Love and GOD BLESS." Virgínia Rebelo.


"Great party on the 18th birthday of Elvis 100% fan club. Great joy in sharing the stage with António Carlos Coimbra. Our special thank you for the invitation to the unwearying Jorge and Célia... see you next time!" Vinyl Gang.


"Thank you so much, it was an excellent day, in the company of good friends and a fantastic performance by our friend António Carlos Coimbra. It's moments like this that make all difference in a person's life... the attention, the care and all the human warmth that make us fell that we are in the presence of the best friends in the whole world, around a common interest, like this so excellent and very well organized event by our friends, Célia Carvalho and Jorge Custódio, to whom I send my deep felt embrace." Vítor Correia.


"Thank you so much to all of those who could be present in Figueira da Foz, in the party of the adulthood (18 years) of Elvis 100%. A special THANK YOU, too, to the technical team TJ Multimédia, that has provided us with a fantastic envirionment: Dinis Parreira and his associates. To our friend and spectacular Elvis tribute artist, António Carlos Coimbra... to the gang of the band, Vinyl Gang, with Pedro Teixeira, André da Cunha and Carlos Rocha, for the quality in their performance; and to our last but not least dear friend, Carlos Silva Sales, for his love and usual delivery. And also... to my dear wife, Célia Carvalho... for so tiressly, and sometimes exaustively, having organized such a beautiful event, dedicated to our eternal idol... ELVIS AARON PRESLEY. All my best to you all. I reinforce my appreciation!" Jorge Custódio.

"I would like to thank everyone who was present in this party, since, without an audience... all the other work would be pointless! Thank you so much to our performers: António Carlos Coimbra, Vinyl Gang (Pedro Teixeira, André da Cunha and Carlos Rocha) and Carlos Silva Sales, for having animated this afternoon. A particulary special thank you goes to Dinis Parreira and company (Maria Cristina Parreira, Tiago Parreira and Daniela Nunes), who belong to TJ Multimédia, for all the work with the sound, lights and screenings, all done following our specifications. You were impeccable!
And last - but not least - a special thank you to my husband, Jorge Custódio, for in every moment that I had to dedicate myself to the preparation and organization of this event, he had to sometimes keep up with my moods...! It's lots of things, small details, that most people don't even realize or think about - involved in the organization of a party like this.
Thank you also to Elvis Presley, since, almost 42 years after his passing (almost as many years as he lived), he still keeps on giving us som many moments of joy."
Célia Carvalho.

To see all of these photos (and many, many more) with quality, check out the photo albums on Elvis 100%'s Facebook page:

Album 1 - 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - "Sallon and Preparations"
Album 2 - 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - "Initial Socializing"
Album 3 - 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - "Lunch"
Album 4 - 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - "António C. Coimbra Performance"
Album 5 - 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - "Vinyl Gang Performance"
Album 6 - 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY - "António Coimbra and Vinyl Gang Performance"

Movies on this initiative:

The Beginning:

Lunch and Socializing:

Performance by Carlos Silva Sales:

Performance by António Carlos Coimbra (fixed camera):

Performance by António Carlos Coimbra (from the public):

Performance by Vinyl Gang:

Performance by Vinyl Gang with António Carlos Coimbra:

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