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Article 1 – Nature, Lasting Quality and Headquarters

Elvis 100% - Still Rockin’! Fan Club assembles and represents Elvis fans. This Fan Club has unlimited lasting quality and, in the meantime, does not have headquarters.

Article 2 - Object

This Fan Club exists to help to promote, defend and preserve Elvis' name and his work; serve the interests of its members by the edition of its magazine, publishing of pastimes and contests where the members entitle to win prizes and also the organization of events and fans gatherings.

Article 3 – Members

1. Every person who is an Elvis fan can belong to this Fan Club as long as, willingly, becomes a member.

A - Members' Rights:

1 . Receive 4 annual magazines, 1 membership card, participate in contests and club's gatherings, receive give-aways, send personal articles/suggestions/ads, etc, to the Fan Club.

2. The members of the Board of Directors cannot participate in contests and receive prizes.

B - Members' Duties:

To renew his/her subscription once a year. If the renewal is not done by the member, he/she no longer is considered a member of the Fan Club.

Article 4 – Management Staff

This Fan Club is composed by a Board of Directors, which ensembles the following members: Célia Carvalho, Carlos Santos, Sandra Santos and Joaquim Leal de Meira.

The jobs of the members of the Board of Directors are not finantially rewarded.

Article 5 – Functioning of the Management Staff

Elect the members that compose the Board of Directors;
Deliberate on the Fan Club's activities;
Judge and vote the proposals to change the Statutes;
Deliberate the dissolution of the Board of Directors;
The Board of Directors will deliberate with absolute majority of its members and deliberations are taken according to the majority of voting of the present elements. If a hindrance occurs, the decision will be taken by casting vote.
Any member of this Fan Club can attend to any Board of Director's meeting, but without right of vote.

Article 6 – Finantial Regimen

The Fan Club does not have profitable aims.

The following are proceeds of the Fan Club: donations that may be atributed.

Article 7 – General Aspects

Everything that is decided in meetings will be written in Memorandums.

In case a situation occurs that is not contemplated in these Statutes, the Board of Directors is responsible to take the best decision and add a new line that contemplates it. All members will be informed of every modifications.

Board of Directors
Elvis 100%

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