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Too Much Monkey Business



Chuck Berry escreveu e gravou Too Much Monkey Business (Chess 1635) em 1956. A sua versão chegou ao 7º lugar da tabela de rhythm & blues. Mais para o final de 1956, os Gadabouts gravaram uma versão de Too Much Monkey Business (Mercury 70978) que não entrou para as tabelas. O êxito de Bob Dylan em 1965, Subterranean Homesick Blues (Columbia 43242), teve por base a gravação de Berry.


Elvis gravou Too Much Monkey Business em 5 de Janeiro de 1968, nos estúdios da RCA em Nashville. Jerry Reed tocou a guitarra principal. Em 14 de Outubro de 1980 Felton Jarvis produziu uma nova faixa musical no Young 'Un Sound em Nashville para o álbum Guitar Man. A guitarra principal voltou a ser tocada por Jerry Reed. Too Much Monkey Business pode ouvir-se no documentário de 1981, This is Elvis.


Salesman talking to me tried to run me up a creek

Says you can buy it, go on try it, you can pay me next week
1. Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business
Too much monkey business for me to be involved in

2. Blonde haired, good lookin' tryin' to get me hooked
Want me to marry, get a home, settle down and write a book
1. (repete)

Pay phone, somethin' wrong, dial gone,
Well me ought to sue the operator for tellin' me a tale
1. (repete)

Oh-ho-ho... Oh-ho-ho... Oh-ho-ho... Oh-ho-ho

Been to Vietnam, been a fightin' in the war
Army bunk, army chow, army clothes, army car
1. (repete)

Workin' in the fillin' station, too many tasks
Wipe the window, check the tires, check the oil, dollar gas
1. 2. (repete)
Too much monkey business, too much monkey business...

Onde foi lançada:

Primeiro lançada em Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star and Others »



- Singer Presents Elvis Singing Flaming Star and Others (1968) »
- Elvis Sings Flaming Star (1969) »
– Guitar Man (1981) »
- This is Elvis (1981)

- The Million Dollar Quartet (1990)

- From Nashville to Memphis – The Essential 60’s Masters (1993)

- Tomorrow is a Long Time (1999)

- Too Much Monkey Business (2000) - FTD »

- Long Lonely Highway (2000) – FTD »

- So High (2004) - FTD »

- Elvis by the Presleys (2005)

- Elvis Sings Flaming Star (2006)

– Stay Away Joe (2013) - FTD »

- This Is Elvis (2015) - FTD »


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